NOVASEP : Agrana glucose production plant


Novasep, one of the leader in glucose products engineering and a long time partner of BOSSARD, entrusted us for the project of his client AGRANA (Austrian agri-food group) to carry out 3 production units of glucose, fructose and maltodextrin. 


A production plant in Austria (180 motors, 700 valves, 400 measures, 150 control loops…). Carrying out of electrical diagrams on Eplan software and automation on Siemens PCS7, 2 redundant servers, 4 clients workstations and 6 CPU PCS7. Knowledge of PCS7 for this project, showed the know-how of Bossard.

novasep logo
  • Supply of 6 control system cabinets
  • Supply of 96 control valve boxes
  • 8000 hours of programming over 12 months (6 automation PCS7 engineers)
  • Standards definition 
  • Factory Acceptance Tests
  • Assistance of 4 automation engineers during tests and commissioning.